BSR electric project activities carry on despite COVID-19 pandemic

The corona pandemic is slowing down social and economic life around the globe, also within the BSR region. Read about how we're working on carrying out the project activities here.
BSR electric participates in workshop with Porsche

BSR electric and ATI Küste organised an inter-disciplinary knowledge exchange in the heart of the Porschewerk in Leipzig. Find out more here.
E-mobility stakeholder analysis: Estonia's update

As an update to the BSR electric state of the art analysis, our Estonian partners have analysed the current e-mobility playing field for various modes. Read more to find out here.
Germany Creates Charging Infrastructure Master Plan

As Germany gears up for it's 2030 climate protection plan, the federal government has announced an ambitious goal to reach 1 million charging points by 2030.
Inauguration of Bergedorf's new E-Buses

The public transport operator in Bergedorf, Hamburg has procured 16 eCitaro e-buses from Daimler Mercedes. A first of it's kind procurement for the district, the buses are 100% electric and have a range of 170 km.
Guest Feature: E-scooters in Finland!

Eetu Simpanen, a student assistant at Turku University of Applied Sciences reports on arrival of dock-less e-scooters in Turku, and his experiences with them.
The Next Stop - An Online Learning Podcast from BSR Electric

In this brand new podcast: Understanding user behaviour and how we can change the status quo, as well as designing effective policies that ease people into change.
Updates from Helsinki's E-bike promotion campaign

Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) is piloting promotion campaigns of e-bikes. One user reports- “The moment I hopped on this bike, I realized, there is no return”. More on their activities in the article.
Newsletter #4

News, announcements and updates from the past months condensed into one page. Click to find out more and to subscribe to our newsletter!
Finland's update to BSR electric stakeholder analysis

The transfer into more sustainable traffic is going on; In Finland, the number of sold e-bikes has doubled and the number of operating e-buses more than doubled in the past year.