BSR electric project activities carry on despite COVID-19 pandemic
As encouraged by the Joint Secretariat, and despite increasingly challenging working conditions due to partial lock-down in most of our partnering countries at this time, the BSR electric project and its partners strive to continue operations, produce results and meet objectives as planned.
Communication and meetings with project partners have been held via professional video conferencing solutions to avoid direct contact and the risk of infection while travelling for employees and third parties. We are working hard to ensure that this will not have a negative impact on our availability and delivery in the coming weeks.
The project partners are now mostly working from their home offices, and they first activities have been adapted to reflect the current conditions: For example, the Final Conference originally foreseen to be held physically in Gothenburg, Sweden, has been transformed into an exciting virtual conferencing format that even offers a worldwide outreach. Further activities that require physical presence, for example, an e-bus survey by HAW Hamburg, had to be put on stand-by but will be conducted at a later point of time. Finally, works on the online learning module and the final roadmap are on-going and represent a fine example of close transnational collaboration among the project partners.
In the face of a global health crisis, we want to guarantee our team the best possible safety and prevention, while continuing to be actively and reliably available for our partners and stakeholders.
Prof. Dr. (mult.) Dr. h.c. (mult.) Walter Leal
Franziska Wolf
Arjun Jamil
Marion Mundhenk
Nicolas Restrepo Lopez
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainability and Climate Change Management“
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg
T +49.40.428 75-6324 / -6331 / -6358