
Workshop "Electric Mobility on Waters - Contributions for Clean Shipping"

On June 18th 2019, a workshop on "Electric Mobility on Waters - Contributions for Clean Shipping" was organized at the Steigenberger Hotel in Rostock by the project partner ATI Küste GmbH.

The event took place as part of the Clean Shipping Project Platform (CSHIPP) together with our project BSR electric. The three topic blocks during the workshop were “Alternative fuels, energy converters and drives”, “Electromobility, autonomous driving and ‘smart’ technology” and “Projects and implementation”.
After opening the workshop, Alexander John from ATI Küste GmbH talked about “CSHIPP & BSR electric – Interreg projects on electric mobility in urban areas and on waters and Clean Shipping Motivation, Background and current Developments”. He explained the work of the two projects by stating their motivation and by showing different use cases.
The next item on the agenda was a presentation by Robert Garbe from Weiße Flotte GmbH on “Experiences made and best practice in daily operations of solar-electric ferries in public transport in Berlin”. As the e-ferries in Berlin are already operating for five years, Weiße Flotte GmbH have gained a lot of experience and knowledge about challenges but also advantages of electric vessels that were shared.
Afterwards, Liane Voss from the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund gave an insight into her project „ELMAR ’Maritime Electric Mobility’ state and future work; outlook on the project ‘Campfire’”. The main goal of the ELMAR project is to promote boat & shipbuilding in the south Baltic area.
The last item before the workshop had a small break was a presentation on “Storage technologies for hydrogen for mobile applications - comparisons and considerations” by Dr Gerhard Buttkewitz who also works at ATI Küste GmbH. He explained the different technical requirements for hydrogen energy storage systems by giving examples on where they are used.

After the break, Thoralf Noack from the Institute for Communication and Navigation of the DLR gave a presentation on “Autonomous maritime systems – chances, risks, perspectives”. In his presentation, he gave examples of the extensive possibilities of where to use autonomous maritime systems.
The following speaker was Prof Gunnar Prause from the University of Applied Sciences Wismar. In his talk about “Autonomous maritime cargo robots – conceptual approaches” many different concepts on how to use autonomous delivery robots were explained and analysed.
The last item on the agenda was another presentation by Robert Garbe on “Digital remoted ship inspection for reliable ship operations”. He explained the advantages of digital remoted inspection by explaining the concept and giving examples of where it is already used.

The workshop was a success, with very interesting news and state-of-the-art information.
For any further information and/or material on the workshop or the CSHIPP project, please contact Alexander John (John@ati-kueste.de).

Credits for the picture go to Weiße Flotte.

ATI Küste GmbH Association for technology and innovation, DE

Alexander John
Thomas Kozian

ATI Küste GmbH - Gesellschaft für Technologie und Innovation
Schonenfahrerstraße 5
18057 Rostock, Germany

Phone: +49 381 12887-45
Fax: +49 381 12887-11
