The Next Stop : Guest Feature Esther Kreutz

An important part of our project is connecting our listeners to the world’s foremost leaders in electric mobility. Today’s very special episode is split into three parts, with three very special guests talking to us about their ground-breaking work. In this part, we speak with Esther Kreutz, who works as a project coordinator at the Union of the Baltic Cities’ sustainable cities commission.
She works with a variety of different mobility projects right now, dealing with the different aspects of sustainable urban mobility.
Their task at UBC in those projects is mainly being the partner who is responsible for capacity development, developing trainings, facilitation like conceptualizing different kinds of learning activities for cities, communication, dissemination.
To ask questions and network with Esther directly, please join our LinkedIn group.
The podcast is available under the following link:
Shownotes and Transcript -
As the BSR electric project includes social inclusion as a theme, we've prepared written transcripts for better accessibility. Please find these here : shownotes-guest-1-esther
This episode of The Next Stop was produced by Arjun Jamil. Co-produced by George Matthews and technical support & music by Jona Scholz. We’re a part of the project BSR-Electric and are funded by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme.
Our working team is based out of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) at the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainability and Climate Change Management” (FTZ-NK).
We’re introducing an online learning course for decision makers, researchers and stakeholders invested in the electric mobility revolution, just like you. To find out more, check out our website at
We’re also holding our project’s final conference online as an Open access resource, meaning it’s completely free of charge with interactive presentations, joint learning and networking opportunities. Come join us on the 16th till the 17th of June 2020- to register please follow the latest updates on our website!
Thank you for listening in and I hope you tune into our next episode, coming soon!
Here are the links mentioned in the podcast:
Here are the links mentioned in the podcast:
• BSR electric’s LinkedIn:
• SUMPs-Up's Website:
• Eltis’ Website:

Prof. Dr. (mult.) Dr. h.c. (mult.) Walter Leal
Franziska Wolf
Arjun Jamil
Marion Mundhenk
Nicolas Restrepo Lopez
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainability and Climate Change Management“
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg
T +49.40.428 75-6324 / -6331 / -6358