Urban e-mobility roadmap now online

We are pleased to announce that the BSR electric Roadmap: Fostering E-mobility Solutions in Urban Areas in the Baltic Sea Region has been published. We invite you to explore the outcomes of our project by accessing the Results tab.
This roadmap for urban e-mobility is one of the project's key outputs and provides a compact information directory for urban e-mobility stakeholders, especially decision-makers. It summarises the results of the work undertaken by our 15 partners and 28 associated organisations for the last three years on seven use cases.
The outputs of the BSR electric project would not have been achieved without the financial support of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme, and the good work of the multi-disciplinary BSR electric consortium.

Prof. Dr. (mult.) Dr. h.c. (mult.) Walter Leal
Franziska Wolf
Arjun Jamil
Marion Mundhenk
Nicolas Restrepo Lopez
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainability and Climate Change Management“
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg
T +49.40.428 75-6324 / -6331 / -6358