Baltic Sea Region Mobility Summit 2020

The Baltic Sea Region Mobility Summit 2020 was a three day online mobility conference.
During the event, highlights from the projects cities.multimodal, SUMBA and BSR electric were presented along with virtual tours of project results, intriguing discussions about what the future holds for sustainable urban mobility in our region and much more. The aim? To answer questions like:
- How can we upscale and replicate proven sustainable mobility solutions?
- What does e-mobility have to do with hospitals and cemeteries?
- Will the pandemic speed up or slow down the shift to sustainable urban mobility?
- Should be citizens given the same rights as experts in the mobility planning?
- How is a bicycle similar to a book?
- How can citizens take a rest in the middle of the streets?
- Spoilt for choice when you move around your city?
BSR electric speakers contributed on all three days of the Summit on the following themes:
- What transport can do for more sustainable cities?
- BSR electric: trends, variety, and true potential of electrification in the Baltic Sea Region
- Creating a winning circle in sustainable urban freight and optimizing inner city logistics (BSR electric case study)
- Towards more efficient e-bus operations (BSR electric case study)
and others.
More official information can be found on the Baltic Sea Region Mobility Summit 2020 webpage:
or in the following .PDF documents:
Summit flyer: bsr_mobility_summit_flyer_08july2020.
Summit agenda: riga-summit_agenda
Summit summary: riga-summit-results-summary

Jevgenijs Latisevs
Timurs Safiulins
Riga City Council
Dept. Riga Energy agency
Brivibas street 49/53,
Riga, LV-1010
Phone: +371 67012350,
fax: +371 67181171