BSR Electric Compact Webinar: The Future of E-Bus Operations

In this compact 60 min webinar, our two expert speakers from innovative European mobility companies shared a set of insights that are key for the electrification of public bus transport – if this process is already well progressed. Data monitoring systems can provide good yields when electrification of public transport has progressed, i.e. reached the phase of upscaling in transport systems. Besides, it may be wise for bus operators to integrate a volatility buffer, i.e. increasing e-bus fleet size by up to 25%, to ensure quality serve which, according to a recent study of passenger behavior (<-please include link to e-bus survey news) is the most important factor for bus passengers influencing their travel behavior.
According to the key note speakers, external factors such as driving style, seasonality or interruptions during charging, i.e. opportunity charging, strongly influence range and energy consumption of electric buses. This calls for a smart monitoring system that tracks key parameters of bus performance, and both Kristian Winge, CEO of Sycada, and Moritz Vornfeld, Virity, presented approaches how to address these efficiency matters.
If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here: