Webinar: Electric Mobility on Waters – a Contribution to Clean Shipping
As part of our webinar-series on different use cases and types of electric mobility, this webinar will focus on e-mobility activities on inland waters in urban spaces. Herein, with selected examples, we want to illumine use cases and experiences in Germany.
The webinar is organized by our partner ATI Küste GmbH, Rostock (Germany) and will capture current challenges of electric ferries, show experiences and lessons-learnt by an operator of electric ferries, as well as requirements for shipbuilders and administrations of public transport. This will additionally touch on opportunities and implications for urban and traffic planning and, the issue of public funding.
The webinar will take place on March 27th at 1:30pm (UTC+1) and will take about one hour.
• Daily e-Ferry operation – state of play and experiences of an operator
• Electric Ferries made in Stralsund, solutions for clean and silent ferry links
• Financial aspects for implementation – opportunities, obstacles and demands to politics
• Discussion / Q & A section
Mr. Robert Garbe is the Head of Electric Mobility with Weiße Flotte GmbH. He is responsible for the oversight of operations of electric ferries and passenger ships traveling in Berlin and Wolfsburg. As technologist, he is engaged in the continuous development and in innovations of the shipping company. This includes new electric ships, hybrid-ships and autonomous operations as well. Weiße Flotte (White Fleet) is one of the pioneers in the operation of electric passenger ships on inland waters.
Mr. Ingo Schillinger is Head of Sales with Ostseestaal GmbH & Co. KG. As one of the first ship yards, Ostseestaal delivered a solar electric passenger ship, and thus plays a key role in this field of development and in the market.
Mr. Jens Kiel is with the Federal Centre of Renewable Energy of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (the Landeszentrum für erneuerbare Energien Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.). This association acts as an educator for energy efficiency and climate-relevant issues and as a consulting body in the field of regenerative energy and electric mobility on land and water. The association has close connections to politics and the administrations in the land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
For questions on the webinar topic, please contact Alexander John at john@ati-kueste.de.
To join the webinar, please find below the link and further information:
Time: Mar 27, 2019 1:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting
If your computer or mobile device does not support audio, you can dial in via telephone. Find your local number here: https://zoom.us/u/ad4ZfkCQax
Meeting-ID: 681 227 017
Pictures are kindly provided by the moderating partner ATI Küste and the keynote speaker of Weiße Flotte. All rights reserved by them.

Alexander John
Thomas Kozian
ATI Küste GmbH - Gesellschaft für Technologie und Innovation
Schonenfahrerstraße 5
18057 Rostock, Germany
Phone: +49 381 12887-45
Fax: +49 381 12887-11